November 2023

Ren Faire Blitz

It’s been about a month since the Michigan Renaissance Festival season came to a close, and we’ve all been flying on that energy since! Now that all the dust has been scrubbed from our Sandlars and our instruments, we have been reminiscing on how much our Ren Faire friends, fellow musicians, and fans lift us all up. We wanted to send a big Thank You to you all for another amazing season of shows!

Sharing a stage with the Young Dubliners was a big check off our bucket list and a bucket of fun, too – these guys are excellent musicians and dedicated, fun-loving humans with amazing stories to tell on and off stage, and it was a delight to hang out with them and warm up the crowd for them. We’ll be keeping an eye on their schedule to see if we could have the chance to work with them again!

And DragonCon, what can we say that properly encompasses the amazing energy of this wild five-day extravaganza of nerd-dom? How can we even describe the immense concentration of sheer talent, creativity, and freaking hard work in the people that congregate there, like geeky moths to the ultimate flame? We had an epic time. The energy blew us away, we are so grateful to everyone who helped make each performance happen (even the impromptu, on-the-sidewalk-for-people-waiting-in-the-lines performances!), and we can’t wait to see everyone down there again. Thanks for dancing and singing along, for buying our Tee-shirts and Hoodies, and for sharing our music and tales of our shows with your friends. We’ll need about a year to recover, but come next September, watch out!

On a more in-house note, we’re super excited to be making the switch to in-ear monitors!!! – a big step on our professional technology road that we are already sure is going to be a game-changer for our live sound. If you liked our live shows before, you are going to be AMAZED what we can do now that we can hear Jared’s guitar! Coming up in November we have a show (TOMORROW!) at Fiddler’s Hearth in South Bend, Indiana – see you there! Then we’ll be taking our yearly winter break from a bunch of shows in order to rest, rehearse, work with our new technology, and do some personal travel and family time. But we have amazing things in the works for 2024, so stay tuned – (follow us on Facebook and our socials for early notice!) – and watch out for more shows, music, and merch (wink, wink!) coming your way!